Customer Testimonials

We’re proud to number George among our approved group of appraisers. He has performed assignments for us through both the good and bad times. As challenged as the recent environment has been, George’s work has remained steady and constant. He produces a thorough, well documented report that has stood up to both our scrutiny and review and that of our investors. He’s proved willing to accommodate a seller or owner in order to get into the subject and his quick turnaround helps me meet my delivery metrics.

Dale Ng, Power Express Mortgage Bankers

George Kalathakis – CSA-R specializes in providing outstanding customer service, he prides his company on client satisfaction. I have worked with George very closely in excess of 10 years. He has always been extremely reliable and professional. His understanding of the very challenging process in the appraisal industry is second to none. His work is excellent, precise and he meets deadlines. George’s biggest attribute is his integrity. I would strongly recommend George’s appraisal company to any lender.

Leslie Genova, Lynx Mortgage Bank, LLC